. Please give us a call at the number listed below or you can reach us by email at connect@greenpeace.us. Sign up to our email list to get involved with our latest campaigns. #Repost @greenpeace.de ・・・ Unser Report zu #Mikroplastik in Kosmetik hat ergeben: Dreiviertel der getesteten Produkte enthalten Plastik in fester, halbfester und flüssiger Form (Link in Bio)! http://bit.ly/Join_The_MovementWe are passionate about protecting the Earth -- the only life support system we have. Greenpeace connects people from all over the globe; We bring together diverse perspectives, and help communities and individuals to come together to work toward a just and healthy planet. #Meere #Meeresschutz #Tiere #Straßenbau #Tunnel #Infrastruktur #Politik #Deutschland #Europa #SoliKlickTierschutz #SoliKlickUmweltschutz #SoliKlickVerkehrswende. Tell Justin Trudeau we can’t “build back better” unless we Build Back Fossil Free. Whales starving to death because plastic garbage has blocked their stomachs. An Interactive Timeline of Greenpeace's History, Victories and Successes. What We Need Now, Season 2, Episode 4: Food Justice. Take action. Take Action. The group's first efforts involved leasing a fishing boat, Phyllis Cormack, and sailing to Amitchka Island in Alaska from Vancouver in order to protest U.S. nuclear testing. For media requests: But while the UK government claims to be a climate leader, many of its policies are taking us in the opposite direction. Donate by phone: 1-800-722-6995 Mon-Fri 9:30-5:00PM PST. Nov 5, 2019 —. The following contacts are for press inquiries. Donate to Greenpeace. Mit der Petition für ein globales Meeresschutzabkommen haben wir die historische Chance, die Meere und deren faszinierende Tier- und Pflanzenwelt zu retten. Das interessiert die industrielle Fischerei aber nicht. Eine Erde. Reply “Unsere Meere brauchen Schutzgebiete” (Greenpeace) Petition jetzt per Handy-SMS unterzeichnen: Sende Deine SMS mit “MEERE” an 0664/ 660 30 30. To get … Germany. Greenpeace fordert mehr Schutz für die Meere und dessen Bewohner. Reply “Unsere Meere brauchen Schutzgebiete” (Greenpeace) Petition jetzt per Handy-SMS unterzeichnen: Sende Deine SMS mit “MEERE” an 0664/ 660 30 30. Viele Meeresbewohner fressen das Plastik und verenden qualvoll. It needs action. Over 90% of the plastic ever produced has not been recycled, yet companies are set to dramatically increase production of plastic packaging over the next decade. Rund 90 Prozent der weltweiten Fischbestände sind bis an die Grenze genutzt oder überfischt. For weekend and holiday media requests, please call 202-597-0521. Join Us! Fundraise. We do our best to reply to messages within two business days. Greenpeace India is the Indian branch of the global environmental group Greenpeace, a non-profit NGO, with a presence in 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia.Greenpeace India has legally registered society in 4 locations with Bengaluru as its headquarters and other branches at … GNL Québec is proposing to build a 750-km-long gas pipeline by the company Gazoduq, a gas liquefaction plant by the…. 295 were here. Ein Klima. Coca-Cola, Nestlé … Throughout its history, the policies and objectives of the non-governmental environmental protection and conservation organization Greenpeace have been criticized by a number of groups, including national governments, members of industry, former Greenpeace members, scientists, political groups, and other environmentalists. Die Folge: Massive Zerstörung von Lebensraum und drastisches Artensterben. This must stop. Greenpeace Inc.was founded by a group of citizen activists in 1971. To truly tackle this plastic pollution crisis globally, we need to solve the problem at its source. Neueste Ausgabe: Greenpeace Magazin 318 Meere: 1: Greenpeace Australia Pacific: 1: FAKE NEWS: Attivista Greenpeace abbraccia uno squalo che gli stacca il: 1: Ten years on accountability in action: Greenpeace’s story: 1: Greenpeace kritisiert Norwegen: 1: LLAMATIVA PROTESTA LA DE GREENPEACE: 1 Um die Artenvielfalt der Ozeane zu bewahren und den schlimmsten Folgen des Klimawandels zu begegnen, müssen bis 2030 mindestens 30 Prozent der Weltmeere zu Schutzgebieten werden. Suite 300. Make your voice heard. Unsere Meere sind weltweit in einer historischen Krise – Klimaerhitzung, Überfischung, Vergiftung durch Öl- und Gasförderung und die ständig zunehmende Vermüllung mit Plastik haben zu einer nie dagewesenen Situation in den Ozeanen geführt. In order to stay independent and do the important work we do, Greenpeace never takes any money from corporations or government. Da der Müll nicht weit vereinzelt herumtreibt, sondern als kompakte Fläche, könnten Schiffe das Zeug aus dem Wasser holen. Tell Boris Johnson it's time to lead by example. The activists involved were eventually arrested by the Coast Guard. Liebe Unterstützer*innen meiner Petition, seit ich diese Petition gestartet habe ist nun ein Jahr vergangen und ich wollte Sie/Euch einmal darüber informieren, was sich in der Zwischenzeit getan hat. News & Media. We're fighting for our environment, and we can't do it without you. Diese erzeugen auch noch massenhaft Beifang und zerstören Lebensräume im Meer. 1 … Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over 55 countries and an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 08.06.2020 - Am 8. Greenpeace was founded in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, Canadian and US expat environmental activists. REACTION: New GHG reduction target for Canada. #Repost @greenpeace.de ・・・ Unser Report zu #Mikroplastik in Kosmetik hat ergeben: Dreiviertel der getesteten Produkte enthalten Plastik in fester, halbfester und flüssiger Form (Link in Bio)! Wishing you all a green and peaceful 2021. As we approach the end of a very challenging year, we look to the future with a new understanding of our connectedness, and the importance of taking care of our shared home and each other. Set up a petition, gather support, make change happen. Start your campaign today! 702 H Street, NW. Unterzeichne bitte unsere Petition https://act.gp/2Rw9zM0 See More Greenpeace Österreich Die UN verhandelt derzeit über ein Meeresschutzabkommen, das 30 % der Meere unter Schutz stellen könnte. As the host of two global summits this year, the UK has a unique opportunity to boost climate action worldwide. Die Schweiz soll eine Vorreiterrolle übernehmen. 23 office photos of Greenpeace. Marie-Christine Fiset 22 April, 2021. Sign and share the petition to urge the government to adopt a green recovery strategy and move #TowardsBetter Plastic is the most common pollutant found in our oceans. Climate change. Climate change is something that is getting worse by us and we can decrease climate change if we raise awareness and contribut to help the environment. It needs change. Serious problems like this get over looked due to people paying more attention on other issues. Email. If we want to stay healthy, our environment has to be healthy and thriving. 1-800-722-6995. Stärken wir der UNO den Rücken: Unterzeichne jetzt die Petition für das größte Meeresschutzabkommen der Welt! Greenpeace has been working toward environmental and political change since 1971, and it has expanded to become an international charity, offering opportunities for employment, volunteers, donors and other supporters from around the world. In response to Justin Trudeau's announcement of Canada's new greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target of 40 to 45% by 2030 (relative to 2005) at Joe Biden's Leaders Summit on Climate , Keith Stewart, Senior Energy Strategist, Greenpeace Canada, said. Washington, D.C. 20001. We Need Your Voice. Greenpeace is a campaign that addresses problems worldwide about our environment that lots of people appear to ignore e.g. Greenpeace, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. Aaron Gordon started this petition to Greenpeace USA and 3 others. We rely entirely on support from members like you! After 15 years of campaigning by Greenpeace, the EU finally agrees to phaseout drift net fishing by its fleets in EU and international waters by the end of 2001. Für die Konsistenz, als Peeling-Effekt, für mehr Glow oder manchmal auch nur, um den Inhalt preiswert aufzufüllen. Industrielle Fischerei und Ausbeutung, Erderhitzung und Verschmutzung bedrohen die Meere, unsere wichtigen Verbündeten im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise und das Artensterben. Um die Meere vor Tiefseebergbau zu schützen, braucht es starke Meeresschutzgebiete. Continue to Greenpeace … Twitter. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, watch us on YouTube. Take action with Greenpeace Canada now! “All our money comes from you, our supporters. 1998-06-30 00:00:00 EU To Phase Out Driftnet Fishing. Indeed New Zealand. Take action online and join our active community creating positive change. 23 office photos of Greenpeace. Act We work together to stop the destruction of the environment using peaceful direct action and creative communication. In unseren Ozeanen sammelt sich an manchen Stellen der Plastikmüll durch die Strömungen, weitab vom Land und quadratkilometergross. Neuigkeiten zu meiner Petition: Das ist seitdem passiert. 30x30. Your gift will be fighting climate change and the destruction of nature by keeping fossil fuels in the ground, keeping the … This petition had 684 supporters. Bisher gibt es kein globales Abkommen, auf dessen Grundlage Schutzgebiete auf der Hohen See eingerichtet und kontrolliert werden könnten. If you are not a member of the press and you have a question about Greenpeace's work, please call 800-326-0959. BLICK berichtet Greenpeace Supporter Care. Für die Konsistenz, als Peeling-Effekt, für mehr Glow oder manchmal auch nur, um den Inhalt preiswert aufzufüllen. It needs solutions. SMS-Petition “Unsere Meere brauchen Schutzgebiete” (Greenpeace) Posted on July 16, 2015 by Venite Musizieren. Indeed.com. Greenpeace war in New York dabei. Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior. Wir brauchen ein starkes Gesetz zum Schutz der Meere, um die erstaunlichen Tiere vor zerstörerischen Fischereipraktiken zu schützen. Ein Plan zum Schutz der Meere. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. Petition: Das Greenpeace-Friedensmanifest. Juni ist Welttag der Ozeane. Become a monthly donor today and fight this plastic disaster. Riesige Flotten sind im Meer unterwegs, mit unglaublich großen Netzen. Be the Solution to Ocean Pollution. For every £1 we receive, 83p is spent on our campaigns in the UK and around the world. Want to take action or join a local campaign? Tag Archives: Petition SMS-Petition “Unsere Meere brauchen Schutzgebiete” (Greenpeace) Posted on July 16, 2015 by Venite Musizieren. Volunteer with Greenpeace! Malte Denz. Donations to Greenpeace, Inc. are not tax-deductible. Greenpeace Community is a campaigning platform where you can extend Greenpeace campaigns into your local community and increase our collective impact. facebook. Check it out! Greenpeace and our supporters are fighting against the big polluters that pump huge volumes of throwaway plastic into our environment. The health and safety of you and I are directly linked to the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Unsere interaktive Karte zeigt, wie das aussehen könnte. Greenpeace Inc. aims Greenpeace in Zentral- und Osteuropa (CEE) Greenpeace Österreich Greenpeace Österreich. Erzähle deinem Umfeld davon und unterstütze unsere Petition, wenn du es noch nicht getan hast https://act.gp/2QBy75G Donate by Mail: Download and print a donation form Mail to: Greenpeace 702 H Street NW, Suite 300
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