After being led to the second location called is not there but has left the CSI's a message telling where to find her. Sign Up Contents. I really appreciate it. He takes things personally Catherine Willows Pictures. Common sets: approx. Na séptima temporada Calleigh empieza una rellación col so compañeru Eric Delko. Calleigh … Crossovers allowed and actively encouraged Especially to NY. calleigh. Calleigh Duquesne: Yeah. othgirl_peyton likes this. I really appreciate it. Eric Delko: “Yeah, i could. posted 9 years ago with 21 notes Calleigh Duquesne is on Facebook. csi miami. Horatio Caine. CSI Duquesne and CSI Delko. Es interpretada por Emily Procter. Set after 8x03. What does that mean for their relationship and how they move forward after everything that's happened with Sharova, Eric's surgery, and IAB? Tags: Eric Delko Calleigh Duquesne Emily Procter Adam Rodriguez CSI Miami. 1. calleigh duquesne: “ i was going to marry you, but your dad stepped in”. November 05, 2018 Tags: calleigh duquesne Emily Procter 8x18 CSI Miami. Calleigh Duquesne. Rodio se 18. decembra 1976. godine u Havani kao dijete Kubanke po imenu Carmen i Rusa po imenu Aleksandar Šarov (engl. Calleigh is targeted by a murderer recently escaped from prison in the season 1 finale. With Adam Rodriguez preparing to leave CSI: Miami this season, Eric Delko’s relationship with Calleigh Duquesne ( Emily Procter) has an uncertain future. Eric and Calleigh's first meeting.I do not own this video, and am in no way associated with CBS. So cute! 1. 4. Photoset. Fan fiction from various fandoms written by Squeeka and the Quack. - … Eventualaj ŝanĝoj en la angla originalo estos kaptitaj per regulaj retradukoj. Also, if you wish to help out in this C2, please mail me. No. RaiN in later chapters. First: Speedle died and Eric even made sex with unknown women, losing his badge. They'd called a truce. Seguidores. eric. posted 9 years ago with 42 notes #eric delko #calleigh duquesne #hiphuggers #csi miami. Eric Delko, CSI Nivel 3 Interpretáu por Adam Rodríguez. Calleigh Duquesne: [Quickly walking through the break room] Hi guys, bye guys. Forgot your password? Eric Delko Pictures. Calleigh and Eric - Crazier [Taylor Swift] added by oth-rocks. The good news: Delko may be aimlessly wandering the Everglades, but at least he's alive. Calleigh is kind of detached from the situation but thinks more and more about it while dealing w/ Eric's family. Eric Delko: Hey, Calleigh. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Novelty ID Badges for the Miami Dade Police Dept. Forgot your password? Archivo del blog 2010 (1) septiembre (1) CSI Miami; Datos personales. Greg Sanders Pictures. calleigh duquesne: “you missed out!”. Calleigh Duquesne. Detektiv Eric Delektorsky, poznatiji pod skraćenim imenom Eric Delko je izmišljeni lik policijskog detektiva i forenzičara koji je bio jedan od protagonista TV-serije CSI: Miami, i koga je glumio Adam Rodriguez.. Fiktivna biografija. GSR FanFiction. role name; Horatio Caine: David Caruso: FBI Special Agent Perry: Eric Mabius: Calleigh Duquesne: Emily Procter: Eric Delko: Adam Rodriguez: Alexx Woods: Khandi Alexander Eric Delko: [Stopping her] Hey, Calleigh, I heard you busted the stereo man. He is described as kind and caring. Just how much damage did the bullet that CSI:Miami's Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) fired in the show's Season 7 finale do to Calleigh's relationship with lover-partner Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez)? What is Calleigh's last name? Calleigh Duquesne and Eric Delko fanfiction, and Horatio and Yelina fanfiction. Tema Fantástico, S.A.. People say. Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne) and Adam Rodriguez (Eric Delko) were surprised to find out their characters broke up on CSI: Miami—or did they? Calleigh Duquesne and Eric Delko fanfiction, and Horatio and Yelina fanfiction. Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne) and Adam Rodriguez (Eric Delko) were surprised to find out their characters broke up on CSI: Miami—or did they?. Check out our calleigh duquesne selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. HInzukommt dass der neue Fall des Teams schwieriger ist, als sie dachten, denn hinter einer Mauer von Lügen und Schweigen verbirgt sich das wahre Grauen She had been instrumental in putting him away, thanks to her testimony at trial. Rodriguez will appear in ten episodes over the course of the season, allowing his character to have a proper exit. posted 9 years ago with 37 notes #calleigh duquesne #csi miami #emily procter. With David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander. If you do not agree with these ships,don't take it out by spamming my subscribers Thanx! 18 Jan 2015. A collection of fanfiction revolving around Eric Delko and Calleigh Duquesne of CSI: Miami. youtube - hiphuggerNCISgirl815. And Eric discovered jealousy (5x24). Calleigh Duquesne was born in rural Louisiana in a "shotgun" shack not long after her parents' shotgun wedding. Sign In. after eric was released after his immigration problem. Calleigh Duquesne: Hey. Calleigh and Eric are in a relationship and she get pregnant. The Price is for One Full Colour printed front and back character ID of your choice. 3- “Lovely. (Minor spoilers after the jump.) Calleigh Duquesne is the day shift assistant supervisor at the Miami-Dade Crime Lab. She is the adoptive mother of Austin and Patty North. She is also the best friend of Eric Delko . I get it. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Calleigh Duquesne : [Quickly walking through the break room] Hi guys, bye guys. Calleigh Duquesne: Sure. calleigh duquesne: “i doubt his cooking is as good as mine. CSI Division, inspired by the CBS TV Show, CSI Miami. Fictional Miami-Dade Police Department detectives: Eric Delko, Calleigh Duquesne, Ryan Wolfe, Natalia Boa Vista, Debra Morgan, Horatio Caine Delko: [stopping her] Hey, Calleigh, I heard you busted the stereo man. CIC MIAMI Calleigh Duquesne & Eric Delko SLIDESHOW with the song of WISIN Y YANDEL - HABLAME CLARO - de su cd nuevo LOS EXTRATERRESTRES. Calleigh: Hey, I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is. Eric Delko. You dont think i’d be a good dad?” Calleigh Duquesne: “No, I think you’d be a great dad. I'll try to be more present. Calleigh Duquesne Pictures. shipper. Eric walked into the lab, his mind was racing. The last chapter I remember she finally tells Eric she's happy about the baby. Calleigh Duquesne: Hey. Eric Delko - Adam Rodriguez. they hug. Background; Relationships; Other major events; References; Background. Private rooms are on one side and secluded booths on the other. added by oth-rocks. At the end of the second episode of Miami’s eighth season, “Sudden Death”, Calleigh and Eric shared a scene in the locker room. definitely.” Calleigh Duquesne: “Really?” Eric Delko: “Yeah, why? For a while they seemed going to talking about this thing that was between us…. eric delko: “and what makes you think id say yes? Sign In. Crossovers allowed and actively encouraged Especially to NY. 2.02 per box if collation were perfect. I just got a look at that tiger shark in … Taking prints, analyzing data, interrogating suspects all those things were secondary right now. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Tags. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Calleigh & Eric Ver todo mi perfil. Calleigh Duquesne. 18 boxes/case, 138 cases made (2500 boxes). hiphugger. This community is about Ryan Wolfe and Eric Delko from CSI Miami and the actors who potray them! Unfortunately, it was not a match made in heaven. Aug 6, 2020 - Emily Procter and Jonathan Togo in CSI: Miami (2002) Photoset. Por su parte, Luke Alvez es un perfilador del FBI experimentado en recuperación de fugitivos del ejército. Horatio Caine - David Caruso. 1. csi miami screencaps calleigh duquesne eric delko 10.16 rest in pieces csimiami Mar 12, 2012 csi miami screencap horatio caine calleigh duquesne 10.16 rest in pieces csimiami Eric Delko: Hey, listen, thanks for taking that DB call out at that condo. Title: In the Breakdown By: Jessica Fandom: CSI: Miami Pairing: Eric Delko/Calleigh Duquesne Prompt: #72 - Fixed Word Count: 9337 (Total word count = 15,454) Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: There are references to several many episodes, so really, anything is fair game, including Ambush and All In (6x15, 6x16), for which this is a post-episode fic.Posted here as two separate parts due to the … Preview: Calleigh's Life-Changing Decision Prompts Delko to Make a Proposal. calleigh and eric with beer bottles . Tim Speedle : Well, they might, you shouldn't. David Caruso, as Lieutenant Horatio Caine, was afforded the starring credit, while Tim Speedle: Yup, he was a bad guy. --I was at a club with my close friend Eric when it caught fire, almost killing us both. Frank Tripp Pictures. Here's where you'll find all things relating to the pairing of CSI: Miami's Calleigh Duquesne. Jesse … [Turns to Eric] Calleigh Duquesne: Eric, we are fine. Watch this Hiphuggers video, Eric Delko -Real to me [a Calleigh/Eric vid], on Fanpop and browse other Hiphuggers videos. Mientres la novena temporada, y debíu al embaranzu de l'actriz qu'interpreta a Calleigh Duquesne, les actuaciones de la detective son esporádiques y esta ausente en dellos episodios. Calleigh potom ima mnogo dužu i ozbiljniju vezu sa tajnim agentom ATF Jakeom Berkeleyeom, ali i ona na kraju propadne. Now what? hiphuggernation-blog-blog. Calleigh Duquesne: You know, maybe not all bad. 3. Calleigh: You know, maybe not all bad. David Caruso. For the posting of various macros. If I need extra help, I will call you. --I married my friend's older sister. Who am I? Eric Delko -In the shadows (a Calleigh/ Eric vid) added by oth-rocks. I just never heard you mention having children before.” Eric Delko: “yeah, well…maybe when I find the right girl.” open your eye's eric -.- Delko se volvió muy cercano a su compañera policía, Calleigh Duquesne. Définitions de Calleigh_Duquesne, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Calleigh_Duquesne, dictionnaire analogique de Calleigh_Duquesne (anglais) Iako se neće vjenčati, Calleigh usvaja dvoje djece - Austina i … Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed Se vi volas enigi tiun artikolon en la originalan Esperanto-Vikipedion, vi povas uzi nian specialan redakt-interfacon. Calleigh And Delko Face A Rocky Road Ahead. Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) Tim Speedle (Rory Cochrane) Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez) ... Eric Delko's father, Pavel Delektorsky, was a Russian engineer sent to Cuba in the early 1970s. We listed best Eric Delko Quotes from CSI Miami. 8x4 „Szem előtt” „In Plane Sight” Larry Detwiler: Robert Hornak: 2009. október 12. Adam Rodriguez will be featured in about 10 episodes throughout season 8, fazing out his character of Eric Delko and wrapping up all of the lose ends between him and Calleigh … Just how much damage did the bullet that CSI:Miami's Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) fired in the show's Season 7 finale do to Calleigh's relationship with lover-partner Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez)? Man Down: Directed by Karen Gaviola. Search Works. Na kraju njen kolega Eric Delko prizna da je zaljubljen u nju, i ona priznaje da je zaljubljena u njega, pa započinju vezu. It's on Fan fiction from various fandoms written by Squeeka and the Quack. En CSI: Miami Eric Delko es un agente del departamento de policía de Miami-Dade, experto en huellas dactilares e identificación de sustancias. Surveying his CSI’s motivations, Rodriguez notes that Delko has always been game for romance with Calleigh, while she has expressed reservations based on past relationships gone sour. “He sees an opportunity here to be something more than just a boyfriend,” says the actor. The good news: Delko may be aimlessly wandering the Everglades, but at least he's alive. Eric has to romancf her back and politely told her. Eric and Calleigh 8.20 "Backfire" Calleigh Duquesne : Hey, I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is. Eric & Calleigh, Burned . When I am so bored and I miss EC terribly this is the result. He has a close relationship with colleague Calleigh Duquesne. Tags: Emily Procter Calleigh Duquesne CSI Miami 8x18. Second: Marisol died. [Calleigh steps between Eric and Ryan] Calleigh Duquesne: Okay, You know what, that is enough. Tonight on CSI: Miami (CBS, 10/9c), sure, Horatio digs up a bit … CSI: Miami ran for ten seasons between 2002 and 2012, and featured a cast of thirteen regulars. Third: Eric was shot and risked to die. Calleigh had a relationship with Jake Berkeley. Ryan Calleigh Natalai Eric . Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Danny Messer pictures. Calleigh's relationship with her parents is a strained one. Her mother wanted to be viewed more as a friend then an authority figure. Her father, Kenwall "Duke" Duquesne, is an alcoholic defense attorney who has tried to rehabillitate himself many times but has failed. Eric Delko/Calleigh Duquesne. the fingerprint, tire and drug identification expert of the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, as well as their underwater recovery expert. Horatio Caine Pictures. AN: Traditionally, we’re past the holiday season, but for Hispanics they’ve just ended. Navigation and Actions. CSI Miami is an 'spin off' from the original, CSI: Las vegas, that shows the work of a group of forensic investigators from south Florida, in Miami city. Language: English. Hi everybody, I apologize for my absence I know it's not correct towards you. Speed: Yup, he was a bad guy. Sign Up Eric comes in, finds her and tries to wake her up, but she doesn’t respond. I wanna think it's a missing scene in the WISC episode. Calleigh And Eric 2 Just how much damage did the bullet that CSI:Miami's Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) fired in the show's Season 7 finale do to Calleigh's relationship with lover-partner Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez)? Eric and Calleigh … Calleigh Duquesne: Hey, I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is. Por su parte, Luke Alvez es un perfilador del FBI experimentado en recuperación de fugitivos del ejército. Eric Delko: Everything go okay? Fictional Miami-Dade Police Department detectives: Eric Delko, Calleigh Duquesne, Ryan Wolfe, Natalia Boa Vista, Debra Morgan, Horatio Caine [Source Wikipedia] on Calleigh Duquesne: Uh, let's see. Eric Delko: Everything go okay? Calleigh Duquesne es un CSI Nivel 3, y es además la Asistente del Supervisor del Turno del Día. #csi miami #calleigh duquesne #eric delko #walter simmons. Tim Speedle: I think the mob would disagree about 1.5 million times. La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo Calleigh Duquesne article en la angla Vikipedio, farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2016-07-11 12:57:39. Don Flack pictures. maybe i met somebody special on the inside”. En la séptima temporada inicia una relación con Eric Delko interpretado por Adam Rodríguez. CSI roleplaying community with posts limited to … --I used to work on the bomb squad. Calleigh Duquesne: Yeah. Preview: Calleigh's Life-Changing Decision Prompts Delko to Make a Proposal. Thanks for always supporting me and following me . Nostalgic TV. Eric Delko: You know how traffic's a bitch getting over to Biscayne. . Emily Procter. En CSI: Miami Eric Delko es un agente del departamento de policía de Miami-Dade, experto en huellas dactilares e identificación de sustancias. His team includes Calleigh Duquesne, a bilingual Southern beauty with a specialty in ballistics; Eric Delko, an underwater recovery expert who knows all the twists and turns of the Florida waterways; and Ryan Wolfe, a former patrol officer who specializes in blood and trace evidence. 2. Who plays Calleigh? Also, if you wish to help out in this C2, please mail me. Calleigh Duquesne Eric Delko OC (Own Character) Gerade als Calleigh und das Team denken, alles ist wieder normal, passiert etwas womit keiner gerechnet hatte. Calleiigh and Eric. 1- “Well, unlike humans, snakes don’t go far from the scene of a crime.” – Eric Delko. --I have a niece named Madison. 24 & 25 “Rampage” & “One of Our Own” Summary: It’s the last of the holidays for one Cuban CSI and misses his big sister the most. Find Eric Delko videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and more. Calleigh, Eric, and Jake. Using methods really news, and old technics, with the typical cups work, this group of investigators are going to solve the most weird and funny cases. Mr. Eric Delko is the fingerprint, tire and drug identification expert of the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, as well as their underwater recovery expert. 171 Photoset. Box: 30 packs of 5 cards. 2- “Kind of like going to the bathroom: You can never wipe enough.” – Eric Delko. Eric Delko/Calleigh Duquesne; Eric Delko; Calleigh Duquesne; Summary. Gil Grissom Pictures. Calleigh nació en el estado de Luisiana, en una zona rural. There he met and married a young Cuban woman, Clorinda, with whom he had three daughters when she discovered his next child was a boy. Eric Delko : [Stopping her] Hey, Calleigh, I heard you busted the stereo man. calleigh and eric with beer bottles . Calleigh Duquesne: Uh, let's see. Delko se volvió muy cercano a su compañera policía, Calleigh Duquesne. Despite the danger, she refuses to take herself off the case, much to John Hagen's frustration. Doc Robbins Pictures. But now is Calleigh the one again engaged, with Jake Berkeley. If you do not agree with these ships,don't take it out by spamming my subscribers Thanx! Eric Delko: Hey, listen, thanks for taking that DB call out at that condo. Work Search: tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit) 1 - 20 of 154 Works in Horatio Caine/Calleigh Duquesne. Eric, a Cuban investigator who is searching for his lost family, meets with Calleigh and the CSIs on a ship trip and they fall in love, though the blonde is committed to Jake. Calleigh-nek vallomást kell tennie, amivel veszélybe sodorhatja Delko jövőjét, eközben három strandröplabdázó fiatal férfi meghal játék közben a pályán, így a csapat nyomozni kezd. November 05, 2018 1 note. Adam Rodriguez. Follow. Biografía. Her father was a dashing young lawyer, working as a public defender. A collection of fanfiction revolving around Eric Delko and Calleigh Duquesne of CSI: Miami. Summary. Pairing/Characters: Eric Delko, Marisol Delko-Caine Spoilers: S.4.Eps. Integráu por un equipu altamente calificáu empobináu pol Teniente Horatio Caine,(David Caruso) conocíu como "H" o "con H de Honesty" como Supervisor de la vez de día, tien ente los sos principales componentes a Calleigh Duquesne, video. … #eric delko #calleigh duquesne #eric and calleigh #Emily Procter #Adam Rodriguez #hiphuggers #CSI:Miami #csi miami. Detective Calleigh Duquesne is a fictional character on the CBS crime drama CSI: Miami, portrayed by Emily Procter.. EC. But the beating heart of the episode belongs to Calleigh Duquesne, who pulls the trigger on what promises to be a life-changing decision — and one that prompts Delko to go out on a limb himself. CSI: Miami Finale Shocker: [Spoiler] Will Destroy Horatio’s Team! --My gun misfired resulting in the death of an officer. 25 notes. Fanpop community fan club for Eric Delko fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Eric Delko. 2. Eric Delko: You know how traffic's a bitch getting over to Biscayne. People say. Her mother came from a proud family with a wealthy name that lost the wealth generations ago. This leads to Horatio, Eric, Tripp and Wolfe reaching the next location first and rescuing Calleigh after which she is taken home by Eric Delko (episode 616, " All In "). El Llaboratoriu del CSI de la Policía de Miami encara cada investigación dende l'analís forense de la escena del crime, combinando l'usu de métodos científicos col trabayu policial. While the manhunt for Clavo Cruz continues, Delko … Eric Delko: Hey, Calleigh. Calleigh Duquesne: Sure. Join Facebook to connect with Calleigh Duquesne and others you may know. Eric Delko: If I thought you could even understand what I'm going through, I'd explain it to you. Tonight on CSI: Miami (CBS, 10/9c), sure, Horatio digs up a bit … He was born in Havana, Cuba, on December 18, 1976. Calleigh herself brings the murderer into custody after she catches him at a gun store. Speed: I think the mob would disagree about 1.5 million times.
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