Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy on the 9th of March, 1454. Facts about Amerigo Vespucci 1: date of birth. Two years later, Amerigo went on by far his most important voyage, this time for Portugal, at the invitation of King Manuel I. The only precise information concerning her is furnished by the royal decree of 28 March, 1512, according her a pension, on account of the satisfaction given by her husband as piloto mayor, which pension was confirmed by the decree of 16 November, 1523. Amerigo Vespucci: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. An Italian explorer of South America, navigator, cartographer, and financier. (c. 1451–c. 1454-1512. Started on June 16 2014 Constructed by George DeSchryver St Petersburg Fl survival axt test. Amerigo discovered the northern part of South America in 1499. Amerigo Vespucci, Italiaanse ontdekkingsreiziger en cartograaf uit de tijd van Columbus die er in tegenstelling tot Columbus van overtuigd was dat er een nieuw continent was gevonden: ‘de Nieuwe Wereld’ (Mundus Novus). As a boy, Amerigo Vespucci was educated by his uncle, Giorgio Antonio Vespucci. He was the third son of Nastagio Vespucci and Lisabetta Mini. Vespucci described many details about the varied types of land, the vegetation and the culture and habits of the indigenous people that he encountered. We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the great continent of America. He is a celebrated character today for his historic voyage across the Atlantic. But why was the continent named after another explorer – Amerigo Vespucci? In this city, he knew about voyages which enabled him to become an explorer in the future. Just from $13,9/Page. The name for the Americas is derived from his given name. Amerigo Vespucci: Amerigo Vespucci was born on March 9, 1454 and died February 22, 1512. He also later became a citizen of Spain (in 1505). Later, in his third voyage to the western world in 1502, Amerigo set foot in the Bahamas. When he was working there, he was often sent to Seville in Spain. 1512) Person. But another famed explorer Amerigo Vespucci couldn’t agree to the claims of Columbus. On his third and most successful voyage, he discovered present-day Rio de Janeiro and Rio de la Plata. The name “America” was invented 500 years ago, in 1507. 1499-be… Vespucci was raised in Florence, but around the time that Columbus was setting out on his first voyage, Vespucci was sent to Spain by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici on financial business; he ended up getting involved in organizing voyages to the West Indies for the Crown of Castile. Amerigo Vespucci, finally, is a rather embarrassing namesake, who, though a hero to some, is a villain to many, denounced as a charlatan or a fraud, a cuckoo who nested in Columbus’s rightful glory. His stories and letters were published in many la… Vespucci’s father worked as a notary in Florence. amerigo vespucci lebenslauf. landeszentrale für politische bildung schleswig-holstein. Amerigo Vespucci was an explorer who like Christopher Columbus and John Cabot had sailed westward from Europe to find Asia or more specifically India but ended up in Americas or what was then known as the New World. Amerigo Vespucci (9 March 1451 - 22 February 1512) was an Italian merchant, explorer and cartographer.He was the first person to explain that the New World discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 was not the eastern area of Asia, but an unknown continent (the Americas).. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci was born to wealthy merchant Giovanni Vespucci and his wife, whose name history has forgotten because women are not important. Born: March 9, 1451. Florence, Italy. Died: February 22, 1512. Seville, Spain. Italian navigator. A Florentine navigator and pilot major of Castile, Spain, Amerigo Vespucci, for whom America is named, played a major part in exploring the New World. The father of Amerigo Vespucci was Nastagio Vespucci, and his uncle was the learned Dominican Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, who had charge of Amerigo's education. Vespucci had a privileged upbringing, and was taught by his uncle, Fra Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, who was a Dominican friar. North and South America get this name from a feminized and latinized … Amerigo Vespucci was a famous Italian explorer who sailed for Spain and Portugal. he was the third child. English: Amerigo Vespucci (Italian pronunciation: [ameˈriɡo vesˈputtʃi]) (March 9, 1454 – February 22, 1512). Vespucci, the son of a notary, went to work for the Medici banking house. The constellations of the Southern Hemisphere are different from those in the … Az Amerigo keresztnév a latin Emericusolasz változata. Amerika is vermoedelijk naar hem genoemd.. Vespucci wordt in 1454 geboren in Florence als telg van een rijke familie. He stated that the lands were much larger than anticipated and were probably not a part of Asia. Amerigo Vespucci was a famous Italian explorer who sailed for Spain and Portugal. He is famous for being the first person to show that the new lands discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 were not the eastern portion of Asia but actually a separate continent, a New World as it would come to be called. Join Facebook to connect with Amerigo Vespucci and others you may know. After Amerigo completed his studies, his Uncle Guido Antonio, ambassador to the court of Louis XI, took him to Paris and taught him diplomacy. When Vespucci returned to Lisbon , he wrote a letter to Pier Francesco de Médicis informing him that the lands to which Christopher Columbus had arrived were not the Indies , but rather a new continent , that these lands were larger than had been thought. The … Get custom paper. A popular tale holds that Vespucci's first act on earth was to point to himself and exclaim " He’ll give his name to two continents. A prolific writer, Vespucci wrote letters and stories to friends in Spain and Europe describing the many wonderful new places that he explored and the fascinating people that he met. Amerigo Vespucci: Famous Explorers of the World - WorldAtlas When in his early 20s Amerigo was sent on a diplomatic mission to Paris, and later had a banking business in Seville, Spain. Came back July of 1502. Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer was born in Florence, Italy in the year of 1454.Florence was a good city to grow up in for young Amerigo, because of the growing interest in the field of exploration.Some of the adults told young Amerigo about the wonders and riches of the Indies. He was the steward in the house of Lorenzo de Medici in 1483. Amerigo Vespucci was born in the United States of America around the year 1451. Amerigo Vespucci was born on March 9, 1454, in Florence, Italy. The German mapmaker who did it mistakenly thought Italian adventurer Amerigo Vespucci had … Ein Buchhalter aus Florenz macht mit 50 noch eine Karriere als Seefahrer. A Florentine navigator and pilot major of Castile, Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), for whom America is named, is no longer accused of having conspired to supplant Columbus; but interpretation of documents concerning his career remains controversial. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Ognissanti, Florence, Italy on 9 March 1451. His parents named him after the wonderful country in which he was born. One of Amerigo’s distant cousins, Simonetta Vespucci, was a Renaissance supermodel and Botticelli’s muse. a wealthy family of Florentine silk traders who had a princely estate near the city of Peretola. AMERIGO VESPUCCI. He was born in Florence, Italy but sailed under the flags of Spain & Portugal. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine navigator and explorer who played a prominent role in exploring the New World. In 1500 that King's commander, Pedro Álvares Cabral, 9, 1454. Biography of Amerigo Vespucci. Unlike his brothers, Amerigo did not go to university, instead he became a clerk at a local commercial house. This was Amerigo Vespucci’s final voyage. Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian emissary and explorer, was born Mar. The continent of “America” is named not after Christopher Columbus, but rather his contemporary navigator and explorer, Amerigo Vespucci—and this book tells his story, and how his name came to be given to the New World. Amerigo Vespucci Lavoisier Jonassen Bering Cook Jacques-Yves Cousteau François Galaup Adam Johann Krusenstern Semyon Dezhnev Thor Heyerdahl SovietArt. Amerigo Vespucci married Maria Cerezo, apparently in 1505. After returning to Lisbon, Vespucci wrote a letter to Medici in which he described the land masses he had explored. 2nd: Left May 1501. Unfortunately they were unable to pronounce “America” properly, so he became known as Amerigo. A fost al treilea copil al lui Nastagio Vespucci, notar, și al Lisei de Giovanni. Vespucci’s ships finally anchored at Lisbon in July 1502. The father of Amerigo Vespucci was Nastagio Vespucci, and his uncle was the learned Dominican Giorgio Antonio Vespucci, who had charge of Amerigo's education. The entire family was cultured and friendly with the Medici rulers of Florence, a family that ruled Italy from the 1400s to 1737. Amerigo Vespucci is credited with the discovery of the American continent. But in 1483, Amerigo’s father … View the profiles of people named Amerigo Vespucci. He even went deeper into the great river of Amazon. 1454: Amerigo Vespucci is born in Florence, Italy. Nastagio Vespucci negyedik gyermekeként látta meg a napvilágot 1454-ben az itáliai Firenzében, egyes feltételezések szerint egy Firenze közelében fekvő falucskában, Montefioralleban. Later Years and Death Amerigo Vespucci was confident that the southern hemisphere he explored was neither Asia nor India. Életéről – felfedezésén kívül – kevés adat áll rendelkezésre. Interestingly, he identified the landmasses as continents and he inferred that the New World was not Asia … Sail Dates: 1st: Left May 1499 (in his letters he confused 1499 with 1497) Came back next year June. Amerigo spent half of his life as a business man hoping t strike it rich so he could explore. They reached Lisbon in June 1504. Mantua Model Kit completed on Dec 7th 2014. He was born to Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta Mini, friends of the Medici family who ruled Italy at the time. He is famous for being the first person to show that the new lands discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 were not the eastern portion of Asia but actually a separate continent, a New World as it would come to be called. Amerio was born and raised in Florence, Italy. A Man of the Stars. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy on March 9th, 1454. On May 10, 1497, explorer Amerigo Vespucci embarked on his first voyage. Their family was friends with the powerful Medicis. He was the son of a Florentine notary Ser Nastagio and Lisabetta Mini. The entire family was cultured and friendly with the Medici rulers of Florence, a family that ruled Italy from the 1400s to 1737. It is believed that he was the first to discover the mouth of the Amazon River. Amerigo Vespucci, merchant and explorer-navigator who took part in early voyages to the New World (1499–1500 and 1501–02) and occupied the influential post of piloto mayor (‘master navigator’) in Sevilla (1508–12). $10.95. The parents were Stagio an Elisabetta Vespucci. His detailed descriptions of the sexual, marriage and childbirth habits of the native peoples became very popular with readers in Europe. They also discovered a harbor which Vespucci named the “Bay of All Saints.” The voyage lasted about twelve months before they headed home. Amerigo was the third son there were two older brothers, Antonio and Girolamo, th youngest was Bernardo. Amerigo Vespucci and the Naming of America. Italiano : Amerigo Vespucci (Firenze, 18 marzo 1454 – Siviglia, 22 febbraio 1512) è stato un navigatore, esploratore e cartografo italiano. 1490-ben ugyanabba a kereskedőházba lépett be, amelyikben kortársa, Kolumbusz Kristóf is hajózott.

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